The Value of a Healing Tongue

Do you have a healing tongue or a deceitful tongue?

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.  Proverbs 15:4

Up until this year, I’ve had a deceitful tongue when speaking with my WoA wife. Fortunately, I had a wake up call and discovered the need to change. Although it hasn’t been easy, much healing has come from this experience.

Where once I was crushing my wife’s spirit with my words, I now provide healing to our 20 year marriage by recognizing her love language and adjusting my words accordingly.

There is hope for you too! This does work. This community exists to be a resource to help people make real adjustments in their lives to better serve their WoA loved ones.

What can you do with your words today to be a blessing and a “tree of life” to your spouse?