Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 5 Day 1: Thought: I was really lucky to meet my spouse. Task: List one benefit that being married to your spouse offers. Response: I got a rare opportunity to spend some “man time” with a few friends on…
Check out the latest Gary Chapman Love Language Minute: This one hit me like a ton of bricks! My spouse has mentioned to me MANY times how much I nag and how opposite that is to her Words of Affirmation (WoA) love language. Dr. Chapman makes a differentiation between nagging and encouraging words. First,…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 4, Day 5
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 4, Day 5: Thought: This marriage is a lot better than most I have seen. Task: Think of a marriage you know that’s awful. Response: I told my wife that I’ve seen a lot of marriages that are disasters…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 4, Day 4
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 4, Day 4: Thought: I don’t like things about my partner, but I can live with them. Task: What is one of these minor faults that you’ve adapted to? Response: Yikes! This is sketchy territory so I chose to…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 4, Day 3
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 4, Day 3: Thought: I am proud of my family. Task: Recall a specific time when you especially felt this pride. Response: I am proud of my family right now! I thanked my wife for making our kids awesome…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 4, Day 2
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 4, Day 2: Thought: I am proud of this marriage. Task: List two things about this marriage that you are proud of. Response: I am proud of the things that we’ve been through (both inside and outside our marriage)…
Encouraging words
This was posted today on the Love Language Minute. I believe it comes directly from Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages chapter on Words of Affirmation. Worth a listen as a reminder on the power of encouraging words:
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 4, Day 1
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 4, Day 1: Thought: We are able to plan well and have a sense of control over our lives together. Task: Describe one thing you both planned together. Response: We talked about some of our big home improvement projects…
Yielding to Win
In the John Gottman book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work,” he introduces the concept of “yielding to win.” He uses an example of a traffic jam to illustrate the point. He highlights two approaches to the situation: “One is to stop, become righteously indignant, and insist that the offending obstacle move.” “The other…
Soft Start-Ups
How you start a conversation with your Words of Affirmation (WoA) spouse matters! Try a “soft start-up” and see if you have better results: Feedback from my WoA spouse is that using this technique and keeping criticism in check are the two most important things I can do for our relationship. Since trying to…