Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 4

Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge!

Week 6 Day 4:

  1. Thought: If I had it to do over again, I would marry the same person.
  2. Task: Plan an anniversary (or other) getaway.
  3. Response:  This is ideal timing as we are working on planning our 20th wedding anniversary.  I think the more important aspect of this challenge was the phrase: “If I had it to do over again, I would marry the same person.”  I simply told that to my spouse at bedtime.
  4. Reaction:  This was well received.  This is a great phrase to keep in the arsenal.  It’s not something that I would normally say which is why I think it had such an impact.  I also think that this time of day (bedtime) is a better time of day to focus on words of affirmation since it’s quieter in the house and there are not so many distractions.  That’s another thing to keep in mind!