Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge!
Week 3, Day 2:
- Thought: I can easily recall the time we first met.
- Task: Describe that first meeting on paper.
- Response: I’m glad I simply decided to talk to my wife rather than putting pen to paper. I would have had it wrong! I asked my wife what she remembered about meeting me (prior to the time when I asked her out on a date) and she remembered much more vividly several earlier meetings than I had.
- Reaction: It was fun to talk about those early days in our relationship. I’m glad we did and she was able to straighten me out on when our official first meetings were. I expressed my gladness that we ended up together. She was curious why I asked about this. She may be on to me and this challenge!