Proverbs 12:25 says: “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” Have you asked your Words of Affirmation (WoA) spouse what is weighing them down? Finding out what they are feeling anxious about can help direct your words. Craft your Words of Affirmation around supporting them in the areas…
All posts in WoA Challenges
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 7, Day 5
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 7 Day 5: Thought: My mate can be very cute. Task: Get very dressed up for an elegant evening together. Or if ou don’t like that kind of thing, plan another kind of evening out you would enjoy. Response: …
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 7, Day 4
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 7 Day 4: Thought: We enjoy each other’s sense of humor. Task: Rent a comedy video to watch together. Response: We watched Central Intelligence which was silly but entertaining and we laughed together. Reaction: We share the same sense…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 7, Day 3
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 7 Day 3: Thought: I think we can weather any storm together. Task: Reminisce about having made it through a hard time. Response: We had a mini hard time just this week and handled it so much better than…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 7, Day 2
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 7 Day 2: Thought: We have come a long way together. Task: Think of all you have accomplished as a team. Response: We HAVE come a long way. And even in the last 7 weeks we have made even…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 7, Day 1
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 7 Day 1: Thought: Sex is usually (or can be) quite satisfying in this marriage. Task: Plan an erotic evening for the two of you. Response: Planned and executed the plan! Reaction: This was outside the norm for us…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 5
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 6 Day 5: Thought: There is lots of mutual respect in my marriage. Task: Consider taking a class together (sailing, ballroom dancing, etc.). Or tell your spouse about a time recently when you admired something your spouse did. Response:…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 4
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 6 Day 4: Thought: If I had it to do over again, I would marry the same person. Task: Plan an anniversary (or other) getaway. Response: This is ideal timing as we are working on planning our 20th wedding…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 3
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 6 Day 3: Thought: We respond well to each other. Task: Write a love letter to your spouse and mail it. Response: Today is Valentine’s Day. I don’t know how I had the good fortune to hit this challenge…
Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 2
Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge! Week 6 Day 2: Thought: My partner is an interesting person. Task: Plan something to ask your mate about that interests both of you. Response: We had a date night and talked about a lot of different topics – pretty…