In Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts chapter titled “Loving the Unlovely” is buried an interesting idea for the spouse struggling with using Words of Affirmation. “Look for positive things in Glenn’s life and give him verbal affirmation about those things.” Ok. Seems intuitive and easy enough, right? He…
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An interesting perspective on criticism
With a spouse who’s Love Language is “Words of Affirmation,” criticism is basically the opposite. When criticized, my wife shuts down and subtracts any points I’ve earned for speaking words of affirmation to her. While reading Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” again, I found an interesting perspective in…
Baby Steps
Educate Educate yourself. If you’ve found yourself here, congratulations, you’re already well on your way! Read up on your partner’s love language: Words of Affirmation. Know what it means, how it makes them feel loved, and why it’s important to speak it. Know your own love language and understand the difficulty in speaking in a…