Our tone matters!

“A soft answer turns away anger.” Dr. Gary Chapman explains further on this edition of A Love Language Minute. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-love-language-minute/id287679946?mt=2&i=1000429209257 Am I the only one guilty of this? Sometimes, despite my intentions, my tone does not match my words.  In my head I feel I should get credit for using the affirming words but my spouse…


Check out the latest Gary Chapman Love Language Minute: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-love-language-minute/id287679946?mt=2&i=1000428837426 This one hit me like a ton of bricks! My spouse has mentioned to me MANY times how much I nag and how opposite that is to her Words of Affirmation (WoA) love language. Dr. Chapman makes a differentiation between nagging and encouraging words. First,…

Encouraging words

This was posted today on the Love Language Minute.  I believe it comes directly from Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages chapter on Words of Affirmation.  Worth a listen as a reminder on the power of encouraging words: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-love-language-minute/id287679946?mt=2#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.moodyradio.org%2Falovelanguageminute%2F2019-01-29_ALLM_stream.mp3

Yielding to Win

In the John Gottman book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work,” he introduces the concept of “yielding to win.” He uses an example of a traffic jam to illustrate the point. He highlights two approaches to the situation: “One is to stop, become righteously indignant, and insist that the offending obstacle move.” “The other…

Soft Start-Ups

How you start a conversation with your Words of Affirmation (WoA) spouse matters! Try a “soft start-up” and see if you have better results: https://www.gottman.com/blog/softening-startup/ Feedback from my WoA spouse is that using this technique and keeping criticism in check are the two most important things I can do for our relationship. Since trying to…

Nagging versus Complimenting

Dr. Gary Chapman says that a compliment is a far greater motivator than a nag in his latest 1minute podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-love-language-minute/id287679946?mt=2&i=1000428360129 I am super guilty of this. Instead of filling up my spouse’s tank with compliments (Words of Affirmation, y’all!), I can easily nag about things which is the exact opposite. The connection Dr. Chapman…

What do YOU do when you screw up?

I didn’t start this website because I’m perfect and know all there is to know about relating to a Words of Affirmation (WoA) significant other. In fact, I started it because when I screwed up my relationship by not knowing how to speak WoA, I googled it and came up with very little to help.…

How do you end your night?

From this article, I gleaned the following idea: “3. End your night with a word of thanks or encouragement. This is the kind of simple habit that can make or break a lifelong relationship. Before you roll over and go to sleep, let your significant other know you accept and value him or her. You don’t…

It’s a trap! (Part 2)

In a previous post I shared how certain tasks in a relationship can be challenging (traps). I also suggested a few tips for facing those challenges without offending your spouse whose Love Language is Words of Affirmation (WoA). Today I want to share another situation that can come up that is high stakes: special occasion…