It’s a trap!

Its a trap! Does your relationship have certain activities or topics that you recognize as traps that are sure to lead to arguments? Not too long ago, my wife and I realized that our marriage is full of them. Just identifying the trap as a couple can make navigating it easier. For a Words of…

Words During Your Fights!

This article: brings up some classic points about the words spouse’s use during fights. In this context it’s in front of the kids but the same holds true without kids. Specifically for fighting with the spouse who has Words of Affirmation as their Love Language , words used during disagreements are very important! If…

An interesting perspective on criticism

With a spouse who’s Love Language is “Words of Affirmation,” criticism is basically the opposite. When criticized, my wife shuts down and subtracts any points I’ve earned for speaking words of affirmation to her. While reading Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” again, I found an interesting perspective in…

It all blew up on our family vacation.

After 20 years together, I thought we were doing well.  I guess from her perspective we were not. We knew we had different Love Languages.  I guess I had not been speaking hers (or speaking the opposite) for too long. It was a wake-up call. I immediately went online for help.  There were no resources…