Where have I been?

Where have I been?

Why haven’t you heard from me in a while? There are a number of reasons I haven’t posted in the last four months. 1) My Words of Affirmation (WoA) wife found out. Actually, I told her. I started this blog because when I realized I needed to speak words of affirmation to my wife, there…

Words of Affirmation Article (and list)

There are some absolutely wonderful ideas in this article: https://pairedlife.com/relationships/Words-of-Affirmations-Examples-Love-Language I know, for myself as a non-native WoA speaker, I need some inspiration. This list is a great resource if you need the same. What would you think about a more extensive list of possible words of affirmation you could use as inspiration to affirm…

Follow Your Heart?

A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction. Proverbs 16:23 Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary adds some clues as to what this means for us: “The wise man’s self-knowledge, always suggests something proper to be spoken to others.” Additionally, This seems to suggest that we follow our hearts, be wise, and guided…