It’s a trap!

Its a trap! Does your relationship have certain activities or topics that you recognize as traps that are sure to lead to arguments? Not too long ago, my wife and I realized that our marriage is full of them. Just identifying the trap as a couple can make navigating it easier. For a Words of…

Merry Christmas and I love you

Have you said this simple phrase to your Words of affirmation (WoA) loved one this holiday season? For the words-centric, this can mean the world to them. Just take a few minutes and see how they react! What other things have you said on special occasions that have gone over well with your WoA loved…

Low or no cost gift ideas

Here are some low or no cost gift ideas for your partner whose love language is Words of Affirmation: What are you getting your significant other this holiday season?

Words During Your Fights!

This article: brings up some classic points about the words spouse’s use during fights. In this context it’s in front of the kids but the same holds true without kids. Specifically for fighting with the spouse who has Words of Affirmation as their Love Language , words used during disagreements are very important! If…

Love Language #1:  What are “Words of Affirmation?”

Love Language #1: What are “Words of Affirmation?”

If you’re like me, you need a refresher on your spouse’s love language rather frequently. I recently re-read Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages chapter on Words of Affirmation. Here are some notes: Verbally affirm your spouse Verbal compliments Words of appreciation Statements of affirmation Encouraging words Encourage means “to inspire courage.” Inspire them Kind…

An Idea – Look for Positive Things

In Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts chapter titled “Loving the Unlovely” is buried an interesting idea for the spouse struggling with using Words of Affirmation. “Look for positive things in Glenn’s life and give him verbal affirmation about those things.” Ok. Seems intuitive and easy enough, right? He…