
Welcome to wordsofaffirmation.info!

If you’re looking for ways to improve your relationship with your wife, husband, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend, family member, or anyone else in your life who is energized by words of affirmation, you’re in the right place! 

Whether you know what a love language is or not, are trying to connect better with someone in your life, or are looking to share how your words of affirmation brain is wired to help someone struggling to “speak your language,” I’m here to help.  Finding this page is an awesome first step.  Great job!

But maybe you…

  • Don’t know what a love language is.
  • Have no clue what words of affirmation are.
  • Just can’t seem to get it right despite your best intentions.
  • Are at the end of your rope trying to save a struggling relationship.
  • Need help understanding how your partner thinks because you “don’t get it.”
  • Feel like you’re all alone and there just aren’t any resources to help in your specific situation
  • Don’t know how to tell your partner what you desire in your relationship because you have different needs than they do.

You’re ready to learn, improve, and do better with your loved one but you just don’t know how to do better. You feel stuck.  You need info!  You need wordsofaffirmation.info!

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Hi, my name is Seth and I’ve stood where you are. 

I understand.  Trust me.  Please know, I’ve been there!

I started the wordsofaffirmation.info blog in 2018 because my marriage was in trouble. 

How could this happen to me?

I did all the right things.  My wife and I went to pre-marriage counselling, read relationship books, and got therapy and coaching when we needed it.  I genuinely thought we were doing the best we could and were in pretty good shape.

Well, 20 years into our marriage, on a family vacation road trip, it became clear that it was not working out.  Somehow, despite our efforts and the experience of 20 years of marriage together, we were struggling.

I knew we had different love languages.  I guess I had not been speaking hers (or speaking the opposite) for too long.

We were in trouble.  It was a wake-up call.  I knew I had to do something to right this ship – for my wife, for myself, and for my family.

I immediately went online for help.  What I found was deflating.  There were no resources to help me speak in my wife’s love language “Words of Affirmation.”

I started wordsofaffirmation.info as a resource for people struggling with the same challenge.  I blog here to collect and publish resources, to hold me accountable to myself for doing better in my own marriage, and to start an online community of people who can come alongside to support and share their struggles and triumphs in this arena.

I strive to be the Rosetta Stone for you to learn a new language – the Words of Affirmation love language!

If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know what to do next, I’m with you.  I’ve been there (and maybe still am).  You’re in the right place.

I’m not an expert.  I’m just a spouse who’s trying but getting it wrong more often than not.  I’m still learning, but would love to share the things I discover along the way to help you in your journey as well.

No matter where you are in your progress toward speaking Words of Affirmation, I want to help.

Let’s start here.

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