Fondness and Admiration Challenge: Week 6, Day 2

Here is my next installment of the John Gottman Principle #2 Fondness and Admiration Challenge!

Week 6 Day 2:

  1. Thought: My partner is an interesting person.
  2. Task: Plan something to ask your mate about that interests both of you.
  3. Response:  We had a date night and talked about a lot of different topics – pretty much whatever came to mind.
  4. Reaction:  I think the challenge more often is listening to things that my spouse talks about that do not interest me.  I suspect this is a subset of WoA love language (listening well) but certainly don’t have it all figured out.  What I do know is that if you are not a good listener, you probably don’t respond well with affirming words which can be a problem.