Why haven’t you heard from me in a while? There are a number of reasons I haven’t posted in the last four months. 1) My Words of Affirmation (WoA) wife found out. Actually, I told her. I started this blog because when I realized I needed to speak words of affirmation to my wife, there…
Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?
You may have heard this common phrase used, but for a spouse whose love language is Words of Affirmation (WoA), you may find that it’s very much untrue. This can be very frustrating for someone who does not speak (and is not receptive to) words of affirmation. You may find that after doing the dishes,…
Are you a blamer?
Are you a blamer? (Watch this video) I am a blamer and I’ve come to learn it’s very much the opposite of speaking words of affirmation (WoA) to my spouse. Since watching this video by Brene Brown, the hilarity of the line “Damn you Steve” sticks with me as so ridiculous but exactly what I…
The Sandwich Method
Today we’re going to talk about the “sandwich method”. A good description can be found here. It is often used in Toastmaster (public speaking) groups or corporate settings to provide constructive criticism, employee reviews, etc. This same technique can apply to your WoA speaking partner as well though! If you have some feedback to provide,…
Talk is cheap
Does this sound familiar? It did to me. But this is not how a Words of Affirmation love language person views the world. Words (talk) is everything to them. I got this wrong for 20 years but am now a recovering “talk is cheap” believer. I now understand that just as much as my love…
Are you a good listener?
Being a good listener and being a good speaker of affirming words are closely linked (in my experience). Speaking the Words of Affirmation love language requires a keen ear to tune in to what your partner is saying, and craving. It also pays to be a good listener to the affirming words other people use…
What is your undoing?
I’m my last post I shared a misstep story that got me into some hot water but in retrospect was something I didn’t need to say at all. Today, I’m reminded of the following proverb: The words I chose were certainly my undoing in yesterday’s story. But today I want to talk more about a…
Do you have strife in your relationship?
I had some strife in my relationship this week. It was a typical scenario of bad habits that unfortunately plays out too frequently. I said something I shouldn’t have in a way I shouldn’t have. (Sound familiar?) As usual, my lips did bring strife to our marriage and my mouth invited a (probably deserved) beating…
Words of Affirmation Article (and list)
There are some absolutely wonderful ideas in this article: https://pairedlife.com/relationships/Words-of-Affirmations-Examples-Love-Language I know, for myself as a non-native WoA speaker, I need some inspiration. This list is a great resource if you need the same. What would you think about a more extensive list of possible words of affirmation you could use as inspiration to affirm…
Welcome to the WoA Wife!
Well, today I told my WoA wife about this blog and community. I’m excited to share her perspective on the work we do here to become better versions of ourselves in pursuit of speaking our partner’s love language.